Ókori kínai és koreai hatások a japán murális sírművészetben

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Magyar-Japán Baráti Társaság
This paper will first introduce the basic burial customs of ancient Japan, then examine the cultural-historical factors that might have influenced the development of traditions of funerary art in the Kofun and Asuka period. The immigration of Korean monks, scholars and craftsmen to Japan during the Kofun and Asuka period transformed Japanese art. Analyzing the mural paintings of the Takamatsuzuka Tomb and Kitora Tomb, the author detects Chinese and Ko rean influences on Japanese funerary art. Many Korean influences during this time originated in China, but were adapted in Goguryeo or Baekje before reaching Japan. Moreover, imperial Japanese envoys who visited Sui and Tang China in the 7th century, came back to Japan with excellent artistic skills and introduced new artistic styles and themes of the Sui and Tang peri od. The wall paintings of the Takamatsuzuka Tomb and Kitora Tomb are remarkable exam ples of how Japan greatly absorbed and modified the knowledge and philosophies of ancient Chinese culture.