Recent Submissions
- ItemOpen AccessÁltalános jogforráselméletek(Magyar Jog- és Államtudományi Társaság, 2023) Balássy Ádám MiklósThe main focus of the paper is an attempt to present theories of the source of law, and for this reason I will analyse (1) the concept of "law" and its basic sub-concepts, and in the first part I will summarise the thoughts of some legal theorists on their conceptualisations of "law". Then I point to the different bases of the terminology of custom, tradition and consuetudo. Finally, I will present some of the formulations of legal source theory, since the confusion of terminology that has arisen here is one of the most vexed chapters in legal theory, and I will try to give straightforward distinctions between the various definitions.
- ItemOpen AccessUncertainties about the systemic nature of the legal system(Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar, 2022) Balássy Ádám Miklós
- ItemOpen AccessKormányrendelet:(Magyar Jog- és Államtudományi Társaság, 2023) Balássy Ádám Miklós
- ItemOpen AccessKormányhatározat:(2022) Balássy Ádám Miklós
- ItemOpen AccessA legfelsőbb bírói fórum jogegységesítési kötelezettsége:(HVG-ORAC, 2020) Balássy Ádám Miklós