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    Open Access
    Adatok a magyar református prédikációs gyakorlat újraértékeléséhez 1784-1878 között
    (Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, 2016) Szetey Szabolcs
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    Open Access
    Igehirdetési irányzatok a 19. században?
    (2019) Szetey Szabolcs
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    Open Access
    Református hittanoktatók küldetése az érzelmi kötődés és a kapcsolatok támogatása jegyében
    (2021) Pap Ferenc; Szetey Szabolcs; Fehér Ágota; Lehoczky Mária Magdolna
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    Open Access
    A prédikáció a liturgiában
    (2019) Szetey Szabolcs
    In the present paper, I examine the relationship between preaching and liturgy. I only focus on preaching in the services on Sundays and feasts. First of all, I offer an overview of Hungarian Reformed theoretical and practical liturgical books, service books, and books of liturgics concerning the relationship between preaching and liturgy from the 16th century to the recent days. The importance of preaching overshadows the liturgical function of the sermon; prayers, church music, hymns, and psalms are consequently losing relevance in the worship. The theoretical and practical books emphasize consistently, that the preaching must be presented and regarded as one of the elements of the liturgy/service. Preaching takes place within the service; the sermon has to be based on and contacted all the liturgical elements of the congregation’s worship. Balance between preaching and liturgy should be discovered, and established in order to worthily celebrate our services.