Educational Technology in Higher Education – Methodological Considerations

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ICT Research Centre Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Educational Technology in Higher Education – Methodological Considerations is a handbook promoting and supporting the conscious use of digital tools among instructors in higher education. The content of the volume has been composed in accordance with the Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu, Redecker, 20171). In our interpretation, in a higher education environment the concept of educational informatics includes skills related to the use of infocommunication technologies in teaching and learning, as well as other activities related to education, like education management, related individual and organisational communication, and research activities (cf. Kárpáti & Hunya, 20092). The concept should be understood as part of the wider notion of digital competence, which “encompasses the confident, critical and ethical use of the technologies of the information society, and of the content made available and transmitted by these technologies in social relations, work, communication and leisure.” (NAT, 2012, p. 19) The European Council defines it as one of the key competences of lifelong learning, which is “linked to logical and critical thinking, elaborate information management skills and advanced communication skills” (Demeter, 20063). The six chapters of the volume are organised around the six areas set out in the DigCompEdu Framework of Reference, which are interconnected in several ways.