A Seol lokalizálása és topográfiája a Héber Biblia imádságaiban

dc.contributor.authorPéntek Dániel Gábor
dc.description.abstractLocalization and Topography of the Sheol in the Prayers of the Hebrew Bible The critical research of the individual lament and thanksgiving psalms of the Hebrew Bible has always paid special attention to the netherworld concepts appearing in the texts. These sources often use the spatial image of the netherworld in connection with the misery experienced by the praying one. From these references it is clear that in the Hebrew Bible the netherworld (Sheol) should be considered as a place, and in most of the texts it does not have personal aspects. Even though this statement is true, we cannot read detailed descriptions of the netherworld in the Psalms (or in the Hebrew Bible in general), and this does not really help us drawing a map of the netherworld based on these sporadic references. The present study deals with two issues in detail. First, in connection with the problem of the localization of the netherworld is the compatibility of the cosmological references which point to different directions (the netherworld is under the surface of the earth; the netherworld is under the waters of the depth) is a crucial question. Second, it is an essential point to examine, which parts of the netherworld appear in the sources, and if one can attempt to determine their location and relationship more precisely. The identification of the inner parts of the netherworld as they appear in the Hebrew Bible is particularly difficult because in the sources we come across descriptions of the general milieu of the place rather than naming specific parts of it. Therefore, the second part of the present study investigates several phrases (1. the gates of the therworld, 2. the inner parts of the netherworld, 3. the foundation of the mountains) that might be considered as specific parts of the netherworld in the sources.
dc.identifier.otherMTMT: 32771787
dc.relation.ispartofVallástudományi Szemle, 17. évf., 2. szám, 2021. p. 9-26.
dc.titleA Seol lokalizálása és topográfiája a Héber Biblia imádságaiban
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