Önképzőkörök mint a tehetséggondozás terei a Debreceni Református Kollégium Gimnáziumának 1850–1950 közötti történetében

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For a long time, the role of the Reformed College of Debrecen was outstanding in developing the abilities of its students, the quality training helped them achieve excellent results in their studies. In the course of our research, during the institu-tion’s history between Entwurf and nationalization, we follow up the main self-education activities implemented in the institution as a valuable form of talent management and the related tools for further development – e.g. tenders helping to deepen the study of topics, expansion of library stock and collections, compe-titions and other performances, opportunities to show off, scholarships. The value and helping power of the self-training circles was also shown as a community re-source that served both as a support and a pulling force for its members, and pro-vided an opportunity for further deepening, development and development in a specific field. The primary sources of our research are the reports, elaborations, and summaries published in school bulletins during the relevant period.