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- ItemOpen AccessA turánizmus(1993) Farkas Mária Ildikó
- ItemOpen Access"Im küttem én orvosságot": Lobkowitz Poppel Éva levelezése, 1622-1644(ELTE BTK Középkori és Kora Újkori Magyar Történeti Tanszék, 1993) Kincses Katalin Mária
- ItemOpen AccessMarket Partitioning and the Geometry of the Resource Space(1999) Péli Gábor; Nooteboom, BartThe paper gives a geometry based explanation for organization ecology’s resource partitioning theory. The original theory explains market histories of generalist and specialist organizations with scale economies. We show that the main predictions can be restated in terms of certain structural properties of the n-dimensional Euclidean resource space. We model customer demand elaboration with the increasing number of dimensions (taste descriptors), and demonstrate that the resulting change in spatial configurations increases market concentration and enhances resource partitioning. The original and the proposed models of resource partitioning are complementary: their predicted effects add up and drive the events towards the perceived market phases. Moreover, each approach answers questions that the other cannot address.
- ItemOpen AccessSzondi Lipót(Új Mandátum Könyvkiadó, 1999) Kiss Enikő CsillaSzondi Lipótot nyugodt szívvel nevezhetjük a lélek genetikusának. Egész életművének sarokköve egyrészt az emberi sors ösztönökre való lehorgonyozásának szándéka, másrész pedig – és ez új elem a freudi pszichoanalízishez képest – az ösztönök génekre való visszavezetésének a kísérlete. Szondi ösztönelméletének persze több lehetséges értelmezése is van. Legáltalánosabb értelemben egyfajta sorsanalízis, ahol az elődöktől örökölt gének és a választó én szabadsága egymást áthatva és befolyásolva szervezi az egyén életét. Egyfelől van valamifajta kényszer, amely a családi ősöktől áramlik felénk, akik ilyen módon is mintákat és sorslehetőségeket adnak számunkra. Másfelől van a saját szabadságunk, amellyel választunk a rendelkezésre álló minták és lehetőségek közül, amelyek némelyikét beépítjük, másokat viszont nem építünk be személyes sorsunkba. Ez tehát – Szondi zseniális kifejezésével élve – maga az irányítható fatalizmus: az emberi sors genetikailag behatárolt, mégis bizonyos mértékig előre látható és befolyásolható.
- ItemOpen Access
- ItemOpen AccessFelvilágosodás és istentisztelet — I.(2002) Kinczler Zsuzsanna
- ItemOpen AccessReasoning with partial knowledge(2002) Pólos LászlóWe investigate how sociological argumentation differs from classical first-order logic. We focus on theories about age dependence of organizational mortality. The overall pattern of argument does not comply with the classical monotonicity principle: Adding premises overturns conclusions in an argument. The cause of nonmonotonicity is the need to derive conclusions from partial knowledge. We identify metaprinciples that appear to guide the observed sociological argumentation patterns, and we formalize a semantics to represent them. This semantics yields a new kind of logical consequence relation. We demonstrate that this new logic can reproduce the results of informal sociological theorizing and lead to new insights. It allows us to unify existing theory fragments, and it paves the way toward a complete classical theory. Observed inferential patterns which seem “wrong” according to one notion of inference might just as well signal that the speaker is engaged in correct execution of another style of reasoning. —Johan van Benthem (1996)
- ItemOpen AccessNyelvpolitika: A magyar nyelvpolitika státusváltozásai és oktatása a kezdetektől napjainkig(BIP Kiadó, 2002) Nádor Orsolya
- ItemOpen AccessZur Grammatikalisierung von werden/würde + Infinitiv im Neuhochdeutschen (1650-2000)(2002) Szatzker Szilvia Veronika
- ItemOpen AccessCascading organizational change(2003) Pólos László
- ItemOpen AccessArt and Patronage in Medieval Hungary: The Frescoes of the Augustinian Church at Siklós(2003) Jékely ZsomborThis dissertation provides an in-depth analysis of the former Augustinian church at Siklos in southern Hungary, and its fresco decoration. Commissioned by an aristocratic family, the frescoes reveal a wealth of information about art and patronage in the reign of King Sigismund (1387-1437). The Introduction provides an overview of art historical literature dealing with Siklos and its church, and outlines the problems discussed in the dissertation. Part I focuses on the history and architecture of the church. The Augustinian canons settled at Siklos in the early fourteenth century, invited by the Siklosi family. Their first church, dedicated to St. Anne, stood near Siklos castle, and was completed before 1343. It was built in a simple manner resembling contemporary mendicant churches. At the end of the fourteenth century, under its new patrons, members of the Garai family, the church was remodeled. Part II surveys the painted decoration of the church. There were two layers of frescoes in the sanctuary, and the remainder of this chapter is dedicated to the earlier layer, of which only fragments remain. Painted in the 1360s, these frescoes are most likely the work of a group of masters familiar with Riminese painting, or its offshoots in Hungary-Croatia (cf. Esztergom, Zagreb). Part III focuses on the later, more fully preserved decorative scheme executed around 1410 under the Garai family's patronage. After a description, the iconography of key scenes is analyzed. Most attention is given to the large scenes on the walls: the Crucifixion, the Coronation of the Virgin, and the Traditio Legis. Based on comparisons with the painting of Altichiero and his circle, and with works of his followers in South-Tyrol, the chapter demonstrates that direct connections with Italian painting did not cease with the demise of the Neapolitan Angevin dynasty in Hungary (1382). The frescoes are then placed in their historical context. First they are examined as a product of Garai patronage, by comparing them to other monuments commissioned by this family and other barons. Other elements of an ensemble of monuments at Siklos, including the castle and its frescoed chapel, as well as the tombstone of Miklos (I) Garai, are also discussed. The church functioned as a family burial church, similar to a group of monuments, all richly decorated with frescoes. In conclusion, the contribution of these findings to a fuller understanding aristocratic patronage in the Sigismund period is summarized.
- ItemOpen AccessVégvár vagy hídfő?: "Az idegenben élő magyarság nemzeti gondozása" Horvátországban és Bosznia-Hercegovinában (1904-1920)(Lucidus Kiadó, 2003) Makkai Béla
- ItemOpen AccessThe Mortuary Monument of Djehutymes (TT 32). 1–2.(Archaeolingua, 2004) Kákosy László; Bács Tamás A.; Bartos Zoltán; Fábián Zoltán Imre; Gaál Ernő
- ItemOpen AccessThe association between laxative abuse and other symptoms among adults with anorexia nervosa(2004) Kovács Dóra; Palmer, R. I.The purpose of the current study was to examine the association between laxative abuse and other symptoms and features among adult patients presenting with anorexia nervosa. One hundred and seventeen patients with anorexia nervosa were studied. Laxative abusers and nonabusers were compared. Compared with nonabusers, laxative-abusing patients had higher ratings on the Ineffectiveness, Body Dissatisfaction, and Drive for Thinness subscales on the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI), as well as more depressive and somatization symptoms. There was an association between laxative abuse and low self-esteem. Laxative abuse appears to be associated with especially severe psychopathology and low self-esteem among subjects with anorexia nervosa.
- ItemOpen AccessMaking sense of life stories: The role of narrative perspective in communicating hidden information about social identity and personality(2005) Pólya Tibor; László János; Forgas, Joseph P.
- ItemOpen AccessHat terminológia lecke: (Lexikográfia és terminológia kézikönyvek 1.)(Lexikográfia Kiadó, Pécs, 2005) Fóris Ágota
- ItemOpen AccessScotus Viator és Macartney Elemér: Magyarország-kép változó előjelekkel, 1905-1945(Akadémiai Kiadó, 2005) Beretzky Ágnes
- ItemOpen Access"Az egyházi kampány vitelénél fokozottabb figyelmet kell fordítani a sajtóra"(2005) Németh László
- ItemOpen AccessThe pragmatic marker - discourse marker dichotomy reconsidered - the case of 'well' and 'of course'(Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó (2007), 2005) Furkó Bálint Péter
- ItemOpen AccessWoord en lichaam in de middeleeuwse mystiek(2006) Daróczi Anikó Judit