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    Open Access
    Hungarian Stay-at-Home Fathers: A New Alternative for Family Wellbeing
    (2021) Sztáray Kézdy Éva
    The two significant factors that influence subjective wellbeing are job and life satisfaction, so the work–life balance, that is, balancing between the two areas, is related to several wellbeing outcomes. This issue is of particular interest in those families, where, even if only temporarily, they have chosen the non-traditional sharing of roles, in which the father becomes the primary caregiver and the mother assumes the role of breadwinner. Very few Hungarian studies focus on families where the mother is the prime breadwinner and there has been no research specifically relating to stay-at-home father–working mother families. The qualitative gap filling research that we conducted was utilized to explore the relationship between achieving work-life balance and wellbeing in case of Hungarian stay-at-home father–working mother couples. A total of 31 families were examined through a semi-structured in-depth interview with the fathers and a short questionnaire with the mothers. All participants were white, heterosexual couples with one to four children. As a result of the analysis, four typical patterns in terms of the stay-at-home father and working mother family dynamics could be identified, including to what extent this non-traditional family format contributes to the father’s, mother’s, or both of their wellbeing.
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    Open Access
    Gondoskodásviszonyok a gyermekükkel otthon lévő apák családjaiban Magyarországon
    (2021) Sztáray Kézdy Éva
    A hagyományos családi szerepfelfogás szerint a családon belüli gondoskodás, különösen a kisgyermekek körüli teendők ellátása elsősorban az anya feladata, az apa szerepe pedig a kenyérkeresés, azaz a családjától elkülönülten, a munkaerőpiacon történő munkavégzés, amellyel a családjának megteremti az anyagi biztonságot. Az utóbbi évtizedekben azonban a társadalmi változásoknak megfelelően megjelent egy új típusú, modern apakép is, amely mögött egy inkább egalitárius családi szerepfelfogás húzódhat meg. Ezzel párhuzamosan a hegemón maszkulinitás elmélete és gyakorlata mellett empirikus kutatási tapasztalatokkal is alátámasztott új férfiasságdefiníciók fogalmazódnak meg, amelybe a háztartási munkák egyenlőbb megosztása mellett a kisgyermekekről való gondoskodás is beletartozik. Továbbá számos kutatás mutatja, hogy az apák aktív részvétele a gyermekek gondozásában pozitív hatással van a szülő-gyermek, valamint a szülők közötti kapcsolatra és a családi dinamika alakulására. Bár Magyarországon is egyfajta elmozdulás figyelhető meg a hagyományos, kenyérkereső apa normája felől az új típusú, gondoskodó apakép irányába, nemzetközi adatokkal is összevetve mégis azt látjuk, hogy hazánkban a gyermekével otthon maradó apa még ebbe a képbe is ritkán illeszkedik. Tanulmányunkban éppen ezzel a bővülő, de igen szűk csoporttal foglalkozunk. Eredményeink 31 olyan apával készített félig-strukturált mélyinterjún alapulnak, akik gyermekük születését követően valamely időszakban maguk maradtak otthon, míg az anya dolgozott. Annak érdekében, hogy az eredményeket családi kontextusban lehessen értékelni, az interjúalanyok párjai is kitöltöttek egy rövid kérdőívet. Eredményeink közül tanulmányunkban ismertetjük egyrészt az otthon maradó apáknak az apaságról és az azzal szorosan összefüggő férfiasságról vallott felfogásának jellegzetes mintázatait, másrészt megvizsgáljuk, hogy az otthon töltött idő hogyan alakította az apák és gyermekük közötti, valamint a szülők közötti kapcsolatot
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    Open Access
    Evaluation of online video usage and learning satisfaction: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model
    (2018) Fiamné Dr. T.Nagy Judit
    The aim of the study was to examine the determining factors of students' video usage and their learning satisfaction relating to the supplementary application of educational videos, accessible in a Moodle environment in a Business Mathematics Course. The research model is based on the extension of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), in which the core TAM constructs – perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude – and internet self-efficacy were included as the explanatory factors of video usage. As regards the determinants of learning satisfaction, beside the core TAM constructs, the role of learning performance, learner-learner interaction, and learner-teacher interaction was examined. Data were collected from 89 students using a questionnaire, on which the partial least squares structural equation modelling approach was used to evaluate the research model. The results confirmed that perceived usefulness, attitude, and internet self-efficacy had a direct effect on the video usage. Learning satisfaction was directly influenced by learner-learner interaction, perceived ease of use, and learning performance. Furthermore, the results indicated that video usage had a significant effect both on learning performance and on learning satisfaction. The findings show that the extended TAM model can be applied for predicting the university students' video technology usage and their learning satisfaction regarding the usage.
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    Open Access
    Peer-group ties and a prison sentence: a chance to enhance successful re-entry
    (2023) Bíró Emese
    Interpersonal relationships of prisoners are of key importance from the aspect of their reintegration. We focus our attention on non-kin, primarily friendship ties on a sample of young Hungarian males convicted for the first time, for a relatively short period of up to 3 years. In our longitudinal qualitative research, 80 offenders from eight penal institutions were interviewed while serving their sentence and 31 of them could also be reached 6 months after they left the prison. We analyse what significance prisoners attribute to their friendship ties, how these change during the prison sentence, which factors influence their sustainment or dissolution, weakening or strengthening.
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    Open Access
    Gendered Division of Work within Clergy Couples in Hungary
    (2023) Bíró Emese
    The division of labor within married couples in ministerial professions is a special case of gender-specific division of labor. Since their relationship is marital and professional at the same time, the divisions of professional and familiar tasks are interconnected. Previous research demonstrates that, in such cases, gender roles may override professional status, which implies that clergywomen may easily fall into the traditional role of the pastor’s wife. Through semi-structured in-depth interviews with female members of ministerial couples in Hungary, we explore the professional and family roles, divisions of labor, and power relations that characterize relationships where both spouses are clergy. Based on these interviews, we identify three different career strategies which clergywomen use to cope with the tension between their emancipatory role as clergywomen and the traditional expectations of a clergyman’s wife: (1) the Conformist Strategy, (2) the Conformist with a Second Career Strategy, and (3) the Co-equals Strategy. Our results also demonstrate that unequal relations in professional and family tasks are reinforced by traditional gender roles typical for Hungary in general and for Hungarian clergy in particular.