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- ItemOpen AccessThe association between laxative abuse and other symptoms among adults with anorexia nervosa(2004) Kovács Dóra; Palmer, R. I.The purpose of the current study was to examine the association between laxative abuse and other symptoms and features among adult patients presenting with anorexia nervosa. One hundred and seventeen patients with anorexia nervosa were studied. Laxative abusers and nonabusers were compared. Compared with nonabusers, laxative-abusing patients had higher ratings on the Ineffectiveness, Body Dissatisfaction, and Drive for Thinness subscales on the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI), as well as more depressive and somatization symptoms. There was an association between laxative abuse and low self-esteem. Laxative abuse appears to be associated with especially severe psychopathology and low self-esteem among subjects with anorexia nervosa.
- ItemOpen AccessA pszichológiai mérés alapjai: Elmélet, módszer és gyakorlati alkalmazás(Bölcsész Konzorcium, 2006) Nagybányai-Nagy Olivér
- ItemOpen AccessPolluted places or polluted minds?: An experimental sham-exposure study on background psychosocial factors of symptom formation in 'Idiophatic Environmental Intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields'(2010) Szemerszky Renáta; Köteles Ferenc; Lihi Réka; Bárdos GyörgyIntroduction: ‘Idiophatic Environmental Intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields’ (IEI-EMF) refers to the perception of subjective symptoms during or following EMF exposure. IEI-EMF has become disproved to be a mostly biologic entity by now, and evidences accumulate to support the role of nocebo effect in the phenomenon. The two aims of this study were to demonstrate the significant role of the nocebo effect in physical symptoms reported at 50 Hz frequency of EMF exposure, as well as to explore some psychological factors which may predispose to IEI-EMF. Methods: A total of 40 volunteer university students have completed a battery of psychological questionnaires (expectations; IEI-EMF; state anxiety – STAI-S; dispositional optimism – LOT-R; somatisation – PHQ-15; somatosensory amplification – SSAS) before, and checklists of physical symptoms during sham exposure to “weak” and “strong” EMFs, respectively. Participants were also asked about the extent to which they had perceived the presence of the presumed EMF. Results: Participants with higher IEI-EMF scores expected and experienced more symptoms. Suggestion of stronger EMF exposure resulted in larger symptom scores and enhanced EMF-perception as compared to the presumed weaker exposure. Experienced symptom scores were predicted primarily by somatisation scores, whereas self-rating of IEI-EMF was predicted by somatosensory amplification scores. Conclusion: The results confirm that there is considerable nocebo effect in symptom reports related to 50 Hz frequency EMFs. IEI-EMF seems to be formed through a vicious circle of psychosocial factors, such as enhanced perception of risk and expectations, self-monitoring, somatisation and somatosensory amplification, causalization and misattribution.
- ItemOpen AccessPolluted places or polluted minds?: An experimental sham-exposure study on background psychosocial factors of symptom formation in 'Idiophatic Environmental Intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields'(2010) Szemerszky RenátaIntroduction: 'Idiophatic Environmental Intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields' (IEI-EMF) refers to the perception of subjective symptoms during or following EMF exposure. IEI-EMF has become disproved to be a mostly biologic entity by now, and evidences accumulate to support the role of nocebo effect in the phenomenon. The two aims of this study were to demonstrate the significant role of the nocebo effect in physical symptoms reported at 50Hz frequency of EMF exposure, as well as to explore some psychological factors which may predispose to IEI-EMF. Methods: A total of 40 volunteer university students have completed a battery of psychological questionnaires (expectations; IEI-EMF; state anxiety - STAI-S; dispositional optimism - LOT-R; somatisation - PHQ-15; somatosensory amplification - SSAS) before, and checklists of physical symptoms during sham exposure to "weak" and "strong" EMFs, respectively. Participants were also asked about the extent to which they had perceived the presence of the presumed EMF. Results: Participants with higher IEI-EMF scores expected and experienced more symptoms. Suggestion of stronger EMF exposure resulted in larger symptom scores and enhanced EMF-perception as compared to the presumed weaker exposure. Experienced symptom scores were predicted primarily by somatisation scores, whereas self-rating of IEI-EMF was predicted by somatosensory amplification scores. Conclusion: The results confirm that there is considerable nocebo effect in symptom reports related to 50Hz frequency EMFs. IEI-EMF seems to be formed through a vicious circle of psychosocial factors, such as enhanced perception of risk and expectations, self-monitoring, somatisation and somatosensory amplification, causalization and misattribution.
- ItemOpen AccessSomatosensory Amplification as a possible source of subjective symptoms behind Modern Health Worries(2011) Köteles Ferenc; Szemerszky Renáta; Freyler Anett; Bárdos GyörgyThe theoretically hypothesized connection between modern health worries (MHWs) and somatosensory amplification (SSA), as well as the factor structure of the Hungarian version of the MHW scale were investigated in a cross-sectional questionnaire study. A total of 163 university students (mean age = 21.3± 2.70 yrs; 44.2% male) and 145 patients (mean age = 49.4±17.51 yrs; 31.7% male) visiting their general practitioners (GPs) completed questionnaires assessing MHWs, SSA, subjective somatic symptoms (PHQ-15), and trait anxiety (STAI-T). The previously described four-factor structure of the MHW scale was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). In the linear regression analysis, participants’ age and SSA scores were positively related to MHWs even after controlling for gender, anxiety, and subjective somatic symptom scores. The conclusions are that: MHWs are indicators of cognitive, behavioral and social level of sensitization for health-related concerns; SSA can provide the somatic background process for generation and/or misattribution of subjective somatic symptoms; better understanding of the cognitive-emotional background of MHWs could help to determine possible interventions.
- ItemOpen AccessÉrzékenységvizsgálatok a statisztikai eljárásokban(2012) Takács SzabolcsBizonyos matematikai eljárások fontos, kihagyhatatlan része az úgynevezett érzékenységvizsgálat. E vizsgálat során arra vagyunk elsősorban kíváncsiak, hogy a különböző inputadatok megváltozása következtében feladatunk megoldása (eredménye) milyen mértékben változik − illetve milyen viselkedést mutat. Érdekes kérdés lehet az is, hogy milyen input változások esetén nem módosul a megoldás, ahogyan az is, hogy mely input adatok lesznek nagyobb, mely input adatok pedig kisebb hatással a kimeneti adatok változásaira. A statisztikai kérdésfelvetések során más és más területeken eltérő fogalmi háttérrel vizsgálhatjuk ezt a jelenséget. Ahogy majd látni fogjuk: mást jelent az érzékenység a becsléselméletben, mást egyes hipotézisvizsgálati módszereknél és megint mást jelent az elsősorban modellezésre használt eljárások esetében. Cikkünkben nem kívánunk teljes betekintést nyújtani e vizsgálati mód-szerek széles tárházába és alkalmazásába − pusztán arra vállalkozunk, hogy felvázoljuk e terület széles alkalmazási spektrumát. Szeretnénk továbbá felhívni a figyelmet ezen − általában kiegészítő − eljárások fontosságára. A cikkben nem célunk új matematikai állítások megfogalmazása − sokkal inkább bizonyos kérdések felvetése, melyekre a cikk megírása során tett kutatómunkánk kapcsán nem találtunk megnyugtató válaszokat. A statisztika az egyik leginkább alkalmazott területe a matematikának: számtalan területen jelen van kutatási eszközként, alkalmazói pedig nem feltétlenül matematikusok. Például Prékopa [37] műszaki alkalmazásokat tartalmazó könyve is segédanyagként szolgálhat azok számára, akik nem matematikusként, de műszaki területeken kívánják a statisztikát alkalmazni. Azonban a könyv nem tartalmazza (mert nem is tartalmazhatja) a tudományterület néhány olyan sajátosságát, me-lyek az utóbbi évtizedekben kezdtek teret nyerni, hiszen jellemzően mind számítás-igényes eljárások. Számos tudományterület foglalkozik azzal a kérdéssel, hogy egyes kísérletek végeredménye milyen mértékben, illetve milyen módon függ a bemeneti adatoktól.
- ItemOpen AccessOnline személyiségmérés a hazai Big Five struktúra mentén: a Facet5-teszt magyar adaptációja(2013) Nagybányai-Nagy Olivér
- ItemOpen AccessA hipnózis klinikai alkalmazása az anesztéziában(Medicina Könyvkiadó Zrt., 2015) Dr. Jakubovits Edit
- ItemOpen AccessOnline and offline video game use in adolescents: measurement invariance and problem severity(2017) Smohai Máté; Urbán Róbert; Griffiths, Mark D.; Király Orsolya; Mirnics Zsuzsanna; Vargha András; Demetrovics ZsoltBackground: Despite the increasing popularity of video game playing, little is known about the similarities and differences between online and offline video game players. Objectives: The aims of this study were (i) to test the applicability and the measurement invariance of the previously developed Problematic Online Gaming Questionnaire (POGQ) in both online and offline gamers and to (ii) examine the differences in these groups. Methods: Video game use habits and POGQ were assessed in a sample of 1,964 (71% male) adolescent videogame players. Those gamers who played at least sometimes in an online context were considered “online gamers,” while those who played videogames exclusively offline were considered “offline gamers.” Results: Confirmatory factor analysis supported the measurement invariance across online and offline videogame players. According to the multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) model, online gamers were more likely to score higher on overuse, interpersonal conflict, and social isolation subscales of the POGQ. Conclusion: The results of the present study suggest that online and offline gaming can be assessed using the same psychometric instrument. These findings open the possibility for future research studies concerning problematic video gaming to include participants who exclusively play online or offline games, or both. However, the study also identified important structural features about how online and offline gaming might contribute differently to problematic use. These results provide important information that could be utilized in parental education and the prevention program about the possible detrimental consequences of online vs. offline video gaming.
- ItemOpen AccessMultichannel investigation of interoception: Sensitivity is not a generalizable feature(2018) Ferentzi Eszter; Bogdány Tamás; Szabolcs Zsuzsanna; Csala Barbara; Horváth Áron; Köteles FerencObjective: The term interoception refers to the perception of bodily cues. In empirical studies, it is assessed using heartbeat detection or tracking tasks, often with the implicit assumption that cardioception reflects general interoceptive ability. Studies that applied a multichannel approach measured only a limited number of modalities. In the current study, six modalities were assessed to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between the different sensory channels of interoception. Methods: For 118 university students (53% male) gastric perception (water load test), heartbeat perception (Schandry task), proprioception (elbow joint), ischemic pain (tourniquet technique), balancing ability (one leg stand), and perception of bitter taste were measured. Pair-wise correlation analysis and exploratory factor analyses (principal component analysis (PCA) and maximum likelihood (ML) extraction with oblimin rotation) were then carried out with a three-factor solution to investigate the underlying associations. Results: Correlation analysis only revealed significant associations between variables belonging to the same sensory modality (gastric perception, pain, bitter taste). Similarly, the three factors that consistently emerged in the factor analyses represented the three aforementioned modalities. Discussion: Interoceptive sensitivity assessed by using one channel only cannot be generalized. Interoceptive modalities carrying crucial information for survival are not integrated with other channels.
- ItemOpen AccessHibabecslési eljárások véletlen jelenségek paramétereinek becslésére(2019) T. Kárász JuditStatisztikai számításokban a kiszámított paraméterek standard hibájának becslésére számos eljárás létezik. Cikkünkben ismertetünk a független, azonos eloszlású mintavételekben használható, zárt formulás eljárások közül néhányat. Az általánosabb szimulációs eljárások közül a bootstrap és jackknife eljárásokat, a BRR-Jackknife eljárást, valamint a cikk végén egy, az Országos kompetenciamérésben használt, bootstrap és jackknife eljárások ötvözéseként kifejlesztett eljárásunkat.
- ItemOpen AccessA mentális tréning hatása kosárlabdázók mérkőzés teljesítményére és mindfulness képességére(2019) Molnár Dorottya; Smohai Máté; Pigniczkiné Rigó Adrien; Pulai-Kottlár GabriellaA sportpszichológia fontos célja a teljesítménynövelés, a csúcsteljesítményre való felkészítés, valamint prevenciós jelleggel a sportolók mentális egészségének védelme is (Gyömbér & Kovács, 2012). Kutatásunk célja, hogy megvizsgálja, milyen hatása van egy mentális tréning programnak (Selk, 2009) kosárlabdázók teljesítményére, valamint a mentális tudatosság és figyelem szintjére. Módszertan: A vizsgálat egyénfókuszú kísérlet (EFK) (single case research) elrendezésben (Barker, McCarthy, Jones, & Moran, 2011) zajlott. A kutatásban egy fővárosi sportegyesület női kosárlabda szakosztályának öt sportolója vett részt, azonban sérülés miatt három játékossal fejeződött be az intervenció. Az elrendezés független változója a nyolcalkalmas intervenció, míg a függő változói a sportteljesítmény (VALmutató), valamint a mentális tudatosság, figyelem (Simor, Petke, & Köteles, 2013). Eredmények: Az eredmények szerint nem tulajdonítható egyértelmű és erős hatás az intervenciónak, de mindkét függő változó tekintetében megfigyelhetők olyan változások, melyek a program hatékonyságát támasztják alá. A teljesítmény esetében három játékosnál mérsékelt pozitív változás mutatkozott a hatásmérték (∆=0,18; 0,25 ; 0,05]) alapján, a PND-mutató (percentage of non-overlapping data) a plafonhatás miatt csak egy játékosnál volt értelmezhető (PND=0; 25%; 0). A mentális tudatosságot, figyelmet illetően is megfigyelhető pozitív változás (tudatosabbá válás), egy játékosnál közepes (∆=1,89), két játékosnál alacsony hatás (∆=0,59; 0,81]) mutatkozott a hatásmérték alapján, míg a PND-mutató a plafonhatás miatt egy játékosnál volt értelmezhető (PND=61,5%). A szociális érvényesség kérdőív alapján a résztvevők elégedettek voltak az intervencióval. Következtetések: Egyénfókuszú kísérleti elrendezést alkalmazva a mentális tréningcsomag enyhe hatása mutatkozott a bevont sportolók teljesítménye és mentális tudatosságára nézve. Az intervenció hatékonyságát befolyásolhatják olyan tényezők, mint a vizsgálatban résztvevő fiatal sportolók egyéni motivációja a sportágban, a sérülések okozta elemszámcsökkenés, valamint az idői keretek miatt nem kellően stabil alapszint.
- ItemOpen AccessOne Single Question Is not Sufficient to Identify Individuals With Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity(2019) Szemerszky RenátaBackground: Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance attributed to Electromagnetic Fields (IEI-EMF) is a self-reported condition where non-specific symptoms are attributed to weak non-ionizing electromagnetic fields. Despite its expanding prevalence, there is no generally accepted diagnostic procedure or definition to identify patients with this condition, thus studies usually apply only one question as inclusion criterion. The aim of our study was to demonstrate the heterogeneity of a self-reported IEI-EMF group and to identify further self-report questions that could be applied as inclusion criteria. Method: Cross-sectional on-line survey study was carried out with 473 participants (76.3% women; age: 35.03 ± 13.24 yrs). Self-diagnosed IEI-EMF (as assessed with a yes-or-no question), frequency of EMF-related symptom and severity of the condition were assessed, as well as somatic symptom distress (Patient Health Questionnaire Somatic Symptom Severity Scale, PHQ-15). Results: 72 (15.2%) individuals labelled themselves as IEI-EMF, however only 61% of them remained in the IEI-EMF group after the use of three inclusion criteria instead of one. 21% of the individuals labelling themselves as IEI-EMF reported neither symptoms nor any negative impact on their daily life. Conclusion: A minimum of two questions appear to be necessary as inclusion criteria for IEI-EMF in empirical research. Instead of the widely used yes-or-no question on accepting the IEI-EMF label, occurrence of symptoms attributed to EMF on a regular basis and at least a slight negative impact on daily life are required.
- ItemOpen AccessAz empátia tudománya és művészete(Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, 2020) Kovács Dóra
- ItemOpen AccessStatistical analysis of the Hungarian COVID‐19 victims(2021) Gholipour, Elnaz; Vízvári Béla; Babaqi, Tareq; Takács SzabolcsWith the wide spread of Coronavirus, most people who infected with the COVID-19, will recover without requiring special treatment. Whereas, elders and those with underlying medical problems are more likely to have serious illnesses, even be threatened with death. Many more disciplines try to find solutions and drive master plan to this global trouble. Consequently, by taking one particular population, Hungary, this study aims to explore a pattern of COVID-19 victims, who suffered from some underlying conditions. Age, gender, and underlying medical problems form the structure of the clustering. K-Means and two step clustering methods were applied for age-based and age-independent analysis. Grouping of the deaths in the form of two different scenarios may highlight some concepts of this deadly disease for public health professionals. Our result for clustering can forecast similar cases which are assigned to any cluster that it will be a serious cautious for the population.
- ItemOpen AccessExploring Coping Strategies of Different Generations of Students Starting University(2021) Takács Rita; Takács Szabolcs; T. Kárász Judit; Horváth Zoltán; Oláh Attila
- ItemOpen AccessPsychometric properties of the Hungarian adaptation of the Sport Motivation Scale II(2021) Smohai Máté; Szemes Ágnes; Bernhardt-Torma Noémi; Mirnics Zsuzsanna; Bóna K.; Kovács K.; Gyömbér N.; Béres R.; Kövi Zsuzsanna; Mészáros Veronika; Tanyi Zsuzsanna; Kovács Dóra; Vass Zoltán; Tóth L.Introduction: Current research on sport motivation mostly focuses on the Self-Determination Theory, which has brought a qualitatively novel approach in the field by making a distinction between six types of motivation. The present study tested the reliability and validity of the Hungarian adaptation of the Sport Motivation Scale II (SMS-II) with a large sample of athletes. The assessment of the psychometric properties focused on the factor structure, construct validity and convergent validity of the Hungarian version. Methods: The sample included 1197 Hungarian athletes aged 11 to 67 years, who engaged in more than 50 different sports. The test battery comprised the Hungarian adaptations of the SMS-II, the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS-H), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory 2 (CSAI-2), and the Flow State Questionnaire (PPL-FSQ). Results: Considering that each subscale of the SMS-II consists of only three items, all subscales showed acceptable internal consistency. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the original sixfactor model showed the best fit with the data. All fit indices obtained for this model fell within the acceptable range. The examination of construct validity revealed the expected simplex pattern of the subscales, while the associations between the SMS-II and the measures used to test convergent validity were consistent with those obtained in previous studies. Discussions: The Hungarian version of the SMS-II provides a reliable and valid measure of sport motivation based on the Self-Determination Theory. The only inconsistency between the observed data and the theoretical model was that intrinsic motivation did not show a closer association with integrated regulation than with identified regulation, which finding is probably related to the contents of the involved subscales. Conclusions: A possible future direction of construct validity analysis and improvement may be focused on content refinement. Specifically, the construct validity of the Hungarian SMS-II could possibly be improved by completing the items assessing intrinsic motivation with references to the positive experience directly related to the activity itself.
- ItemOpen AccessA halogatás összefüggésének pilot vizsgálata a tanulmányi eredményekkel egyetemi hallgatóknál(2021) Dr. Jakubovits Edit
- ItemOpen AccessA kötődési minták, a szülői bánásmód és a halogatás összefüggése(2021) Dr. Jakubovits Edit
- ItemOpen AccessHipnoterápiás ösvények: prevenciótól prevencióig az onkológiában(Animula, 2021) Dr. Jakubovits Edit